In September 2012, under the leadership of Hans Dewitte, the driving force behind the Klein Verhaal company, the temporary infill, DRUKDOENERY, was created, a reference to the former printing company that was located on the site.


It became a nice cross-pollination between artists and crossovers with local residents. A good mix between the social and the artistic part.

What could you experience there?

  • Workshops were organized under the direction of graphic artist Anne De Loof, exploring all corners of illustration and graphics.
  • In addition, painters, musicians, sculptors, jewellery designers, photographers, multimedia artists and organizations took up temporary residence on the site.
  • A DRUKDOENERY canteen was opened where people could go for all initiatives: giveaway shop, performances, markets, full kitchens, circus, exhibitions…

DRUKDOENERY ended in March 2013. The construction of the residential area ‘Den Indruk’ started and in the meantime, this project has been inhabited since the summer of 2017.